A downloadable video

Cicaré 8 teaser video.  Cinematics made using Unreal Engine.

Cicaré 8 ultralight helicopter

Aggressive, dominant with an appearance that perfectly conveys its virtues and qualities. Pure Adrenaline!

An ultralight helicopter, it is a two-seater side-by-side, maneuverable and efficient, and its engine alternatives, 135-140 hp, make it an extremely agile machine. 

The design of its semi-rigid rotor allows sharp maneuvers with very low vibrations even at maximum power.



Sober, modern, smooth, continuous lines, clean, pure, and compact. 

Wide doors for comfortable access, ample instrument panel, excellent visibility from inside, reduced frontal area, and an efficient aerodynamic profile



Cicaré 8 teaser 91 MB

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